Saturday, February 21, 2009


Just got the chance to upload some photos while I work on a lecture for the medical students here for Tuesday. We are back at the Hotel Tilapia, utilizing their internet connection. The weather is again gorgeous today.

Made it down into the market today for the first time. My friend used the term "sensory overload" to describe it, and I think that is an apt description. Many people, all packed into a small-ish area. People all speaking rapidly in swahili, loud music occasionally blasting, and intense odors of all sorts. The roads vary in quality from full sized with paving, to alley sized or smaller, as small as 4-5 ft wide, composed of dirt, mud, and puddles. We also visited a small hide shop that focused on goods made of fish skin, lizard skin, and even some zebra stuff; products ranged from bookmarks, to wallets, to shoes. Very cool stuff.

Tonight I think we may try to experience some local nightlife again, perhaps hit a club. Tomorrow there is talk of visiting a local orphanage as well.

The literal translation is "the News" but it is a question, which most approximates "How goes it?" in english. It is commonly used in greeting someone, and is heard frequently on the street. Greetings are extremely important here, people often spend several minutes just saying hello, before saying anything else.


  1. Hey Frankis,

    I'm glad to see that you arrived safely, and it sounds like everything is going well on the trip so far. By the way, is that Hotel Tilapia like in the fish? Speaking of that, how's the local cuisine? Try any zebra yet? :)

  2. Thanks man :) The local cuisine is mostly indian based... which i found to be odd. Lots of curries. A significant amount of seafood curries. Have not seen any zebra on the menu ;)
