Friday, February 20, 2009

Karibu Mwanza!

I made it here unscathed! The flight in was actually on a small jet. but the airport we landed in was everything i expected. Nothing more than a concrete box with a tin roof, and only one level. The baggage claim was literally 5 ft from the tarmac, with them just throwing the bags at you. One of the staff looked at me and said "mzungu" and then decided to help me out. I don't think I could have managed the large crowds without her help.

A taxi driver was waiting for me there, and he helped me get out of the fray. The drive back was just as impressive as the ride to the Kempinki. markedly more foot traffic than car traffic.

The houses are very cool. two identical houses next to each other. Electricty has been relatively steady, though we lost power for several hours this morning. Mosquito nets are included. My room is small but adequate, with shelving for all my clothes.

My co-residents are awesome. 3 pediatric residents, 2 anesthesiology residents, and a pulmonary fellow from Cornell. They've all been so welcoming, and so great in terms of showing me the ropes.

I can't talk more right now, am currently doing this from a bar. Will write more soon, can't wait to post about my experience so far!

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