Sunday, March 1, 2009


The term for those killer ants is Siafu.

There is a good wikipedia article on them, with youtube video that I unfortunately can't view with the nets here ;)

Anyway- a post from last night that i wrote at home:


I know I already posted about ants today. But some days are just so perfect that they require a part 2. Maria and I walked down into town today using some of the dirt paths, which took us through alot of the local village areas. It was really impressive. I was unfortunately unable to find replacement laces for my running shoes (my laces broke this morning, I ran 3 very hilly miles anyway, but now my ankle is telling me that isn't a good idea). We went to dinner at Isamilo Lodge tonight. Situated high above Mwanza on Isamilo Road, and actually facing in an angle I had not seen before, this lodge has some of the most majestic sunset views I have ever seen. We took several photos during our fantastic dinner. I had the Chicken Curry and requested for it to be extra hot. While it was spicy, I don't know that it officially made "extra hot" levels. We also met an Emergency Medicine attending named Dan from Oakland, CA, there. Dan is here to develop somme research protocols on the use of ultrasound in high risk pregnancies. I hope that some day I could find funding to occasionanlly come back here and keep doing good.

He took an awesome picture of us with his considerably more high-tech great; I hope that he can email it to us. I also was able to play with the ISO and stop times on Steph's camera for the first time to really soak in some darker dusk scenes, and I think those turned out really well. Hopefully I'll be able to post them to flickr soon!

1 comment:

  1. Frank, just because you're running in Africa doesn't mean you'll ever be doing Kenyan 3 hour marathons.
