Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Last night brought the worst taste of the "rainy season" that I have experienced thus far here in Mwanza. Rolling thunder, claps of lightning, intense winds that lasted through to the morning, the result of which was power outages all over Bugando Hill, including the Bugando Guest Houses ;) Candles and matches were readily available, however. Power fluctuated throughout the day to day, and was even out when were considering starting to cook dinner. So it goes on this side of the world.

I've met three more residents over the past 3 days from the states. They are here through the HVO- Health Volunteers Organization (I wonder if the HVO will need Medicine or Gastroenterology doctors in the future to go to far away continents ;) ) We went down to Fortes Tours this afternoon together to try and start setting up a safari for all of us. We have managed to wrangle 5 people (myself included) into coming, which, coupled with a discount for being here at BMC, might make this a touch more affordable. We are planning on taking a 3 day weekend and heading through the Serengeti and into the Ngorangora crater on March 14th, 15th, and 16th, though after hearing about a co-resident's tent getting stomped by elephants I don't know that I'll be doing the camping option; instead we plan to rest at night in lodges along the way. Looking forward to this!

Also, if anyone out there is incredibly bored or very motivated to help me- I've been having a hard time figuring out the lunar cycle out here. I am trying to see if there will be a full moon while I am in Zanzibar; If you known when the next full moon is here, or could figure out, I'll be sure to bring you home a fresh new Nile River Perch-skin bookmark. Celebrate your thirst for knowledge with this little momento that exemplifies your thirst for global commercialism, corrupt local governments, and 2 million starving tanzanians (that I happened to purchase BEFORE seeing the movie).


  1. The next full moon is Mar 11 at 4:38 AM Mwanza time.

    We both see the same moon; however, since you are below the equator, the moon waxes and wanes in the opposite direction as it does when observed from the northern hemisphere.

    The northern hemisphere moon 'begins' on the right side, waxes from right to left to a full moon, then wanes (still right to left) to a new moon.

    The southern hemisphere moon 'begins' on the left side, and waxes and wanes from left to right.

    A full moon here is a full moon everywhere on earth.

  2. I never would have thought to make a bookmark out of fish skin. That being said, my friend's bro picked up a change purse made from a kangaroo's nutsack in Australia..

  3. I have a lampshade made out of human skin. No, wait, that wasn't me.

    And we both see the same moon? How romantic! "Sooooommmeeewherrre ooouuuuuutttt theeeerrrrre, beneath a pale moonlight
    Someone's thinking of me,
    And loving me tonight."
